No doubt you’ve all had a go with the latest trends making its way into our lives. Check you Room 2 as they take on and try out some in PES Trends!
No doubt you’ve all had a go with the latest trends making its way into our lives. Check you Room 2 as they take on and try out some in PES Trends!
Talofa lava Room 2!
I really enjoyed your film , I loved how you all included all your classmates while doing the trends, Your presenters did such a amazing job and spoke with confidence .
Kia Ora room 2 you guys has the best by the way like literally I love it.Maybe next time you guys should put the shortest one at the end when you do Just give my money.
hi Room 2 you guys are the best
yous Made me laugh so hard I couldn’t even catch my breath
Hi miss IIaoa it’s me chrislyn but anyways I thought your guys movies was fun and funny.The reason why I like your guys is movie is because of the burger part.
Kia Ora my name is Manaia, I am a year 8 from Pt England School and I was amazed with your guys Manaiakalani video and it was hilarious. The trends on Tiktok were a great option to do for your guys video. I really hope use had fun making your video and had a great positive attitude.
I absolutely loved Your guys Manaiakalani movie for 2024! It was so funny and fresh, with a lot of new ideas that made it really entertaining. Great job to everyone involved . i will be watching this movie more and more in the future
Hi room 2 I liked your movie because it was very “interesting” when you were trying to sing at the start of the movie and slapping them in the face with the popcorn but also missing them.
Kia Ora Room 2
My name is Khaing Shwe and I am a year 7 student from Pt England School.
My favourite part was the “Just give me my money” it was hilarious. What was your favourite part of filming this
-Khaing Shwe
hi room 2 i like your movie because it was funny and it was fun and good the way you guys did the songs. and try not to laugh and you guys did the trends for the movie . and yeah that was a awesome movie we like it.
Kia Ora room 2 my name is Tatiana, I am a year 7 at Pes, I loved your guys movie because eit was so intertaining and fun, I was amazed with your guys Manaiakalani video and it was hilarious. The trends on Tiktok were a great option to do for your guys video. I really hope use had fun making your video and had a great positive attitude.
Kia Ora Room 2, I could tell you guys had fun while yous were making it because on the screen we could see everyone’s smiles, and laughs. I really enjoyed watching your movie this morning, it made me laugh and I’m glad you could share your laughter’s with everyone.
Armani, PBS
Hi miss Ilaoa it’s me Levi I really like that movie and I really think that the movie was so funny
Hey, this is Baylee there I am also from pes this movie was fun to watch because this movie was so funny and I just liked to see yous have a fun time this a good movie cant wait to see more like this next time.
Hi room 2 it Motu from room 4 I loved your movie for how funny it was. My favourite part of the movie was then Patrick punched Paul and walked away, then the person recording said something and I think it made Patrick sad and put a sad song that made me laughing so much. Keep it up room 2 love the movie
Hello point England school
your movie was very entertaining and well put together, I loved the sound effects you guys used to give the movie more of a punch!
awsome job
Kia ora room 2, my name is maggie from ptengland school.
My highlight was watching you guys laugh and having fun. and also watching the 2 double cheeseburger big mac combo.
The end was so hilarious that I burst out laughing.:)
Kia ora room 2
I really loved your film because we got lots of fun.You all did a great job, very beautiful.
Savi pbs
Hi my name is Jeremiah I really like the burger part bc of Patrick triple chin and I really like all of them.
Hi room 2 it was really funny and this is one of my favourite movies because it was funny and the last one was the funniest the burger mcdo
Talofa room two, my name is Azarliah and I’m a student at Panmure bridge school. I found your film really funny, me and my friends would occasionaly laugh with each other at some of the scenes.
Azarliah, PBS
Hi room 2 it’s Manaia from room 4 I loved your movie It was super funny. My favourite part of the movie was when Patrick did something to Paul and walked away, then the person was recording and they said something and i think it made Patrick sad or something like that. When i was watching your movie on the big screen i could not stop laughing while watching your movie on the big screen. Keep up the good work room 2.
-Manaia K
hi its me joseph from room 4 i reely loved your movie because my favourite part of your movie was when logan did just give me my money then no one claped
Salam Aliyan from Panmure Bridge Schol I found you movie incredibly entertaining and funny is say my favourit part would be the just give me my money
Amazing job, Aliyan
Talofa lava pointengland
I loved the trends from TikTok, but I really loved the first one because it was really funning loved the singing from yous all. Keep it up with those trends.
Hey room 2 it’s Lennox from room 5. This was such a funny movie who came up with the idea the best part of the movie was when you guys showed filters to each other and tried not to laugh. this was such a high quality movie and I hope to see more!
hello room 2 I am phabalis from room 5 I really liked your movie it was really funny my favourite part is when they did the cheese burger big mac combo it was so funny and creative and the filters I like how the filters looked like it was really funny it made me laugh hard out.
Hello Room 2.
I enjoyed watching your video at the film festival this morning. I loved how you did diffrent types of famous tik tok trends.
Kia ora Room 2! Im Chevelle from room 5 ! (from ptengland school) ! I thought this idea was really creative ! All the trends were really directed to the recent trends thats been on social media!
Thanks for sharing with us room 2 !
Ka kite .
Talofa Room 2
I really enjoyed your film and it was very entertaining to watch. I loved the smiles and laughter on everyone’s faces and how you all were having fun filming this film. Your presenters showed great confidence on the stage while explaining about this film.
Regards Bethany
Panmure Bridge School
Hi room 2, I was fascinated by your movie, I really think it is hilarious and interesting . My favorite part was the face filter because it was really hilarious and disgusting. Keep up the good work up room 2, Bye.
Talofa Room 2!
I really enjoyed watching your movie at the Manaikalani Flim Festival! It was really entertaining to watch all the tiktok filters you guys did, One of my favourite part was when some people would spit on each other when they looked at the filters.
Kind Regards Hasna,
Panmure Bridge School
Hi room 2 my name is Norman and your movie was a amazing I Like how you did first it was really funny and seconds. was Goofy and funny but the four one you did and it was the most funny one of them all and it was really. creative all about tiktok trene school edition.
Ki Ora Room 2 ,
My Name is Eve from room 4 One of the reasons I loved your Movies is because of the way everyone was they were so hillliarous and It was just so funny My favourite Part was the Singing and the burger part.
yes Room 4
Kia orana room 2 I really enjoyed watching your movie on the big screen . what I found funny was when your class room was singing , I hope you guys keep up the good work .
– Memory
Kia ora Room 2 and Mrs Ilaoa
Great movie! I’ve seen several of these trends online and it was quite cool seeing you act some of them out. I thought that everyone who participated in the singing trend was very brave, so well done for putting yourself out there, as your audience found it very entertaining! Well done to everyone who participated to create this movie!
Mrs Lagitupu
hello there room 2!
I am junior from room 3 from PES (point england school), this movie may have almost been the end of me but the last part had me laughing the most! thanks for making this video a real funny for taking details from TikTok trends which are real funny!
Kia ora Room 2
My Name is Franchesca from St Patrick school Great movie of all it was so entertaining and I have never seen a movie this funny before.
Hi I’m Minh from SPS Aka (Saint Patrick School)
I most like about and the funniest part is that when you add the the music after the boy said ” Just give me my money ” and nobody clap.
hello my name is Kiko from room 3 i really like it and made me laugh you guys keep up the work and really like it as well i wish all of you guys the best of luck
Hi room 2 my name is maung maung and I think your movie was fantastic! Your movie made me laugh so many times. Especially when patrick was trying to say 2 tripple cheeseburger big mac combo.
Talofa lava my is name Jeremiah i like that you guys was making funny videos so i came to watch your guys videos my favourite one it was give me my money so i watch your videos all day
Kia ora room 2! my name is Matthew and i am a year 8 in room 5.
great movie room. the part i really enjoyed was the part when three boys had to try say a word fast, but some of the boys couldn’t say.
Keep up the good work room 2!
ki ora im Alexm from room 6 and to be honest everything was funny in that video like i could not stop laughing and be the way keep your content up and by the way next time you guys do this again do even more funny challenges ok bye.
hi my name is feiloaki and i like the just give my money part.
Kia ora room 2 I really think that your guys movie is the best one!! I have seen so far also it got me cracking up on the floor because they way you guys were saying give me my money challenges keep it up room 2!!!
Kia ora`my name is Ihorei from room 3 , I enjoyed watching your movie on the big screen . A part that I found funny was the tripple cheeseburger big mac combo .
I really liked it so much ka kite .
Hello room 2 your movie was amazing l like how your students put funny faces. I love how you put your work in it. From Mey Lee room 13 pt England school. Have a great day room 2.
Malo e lelei room 2, My name is Pesi from room 3 i really liked how daniel was screaming at the end of the movie and the singing part at the start of the movie but my favourite part was “just gimme my money” it was hilarious but sad because he looked tired and embarrassed. Keep up the good work Room 2
Kia ora!
These trends made me giggle and kick my feet!
My favourite part was the face trend, everyone seemed to be laughing and jumping.
I also love how there were brutal violations in there! it was making me and my friends laugh out loud.
10/10 comedy
Kia ora!
– Tearoa
Kia ora room 2, i’m savannah from room 10. I loved how much effort you put into this! This made me laugh so hard today. The singing was so funny looks like you guys had a great time making this movie! keep this up room 2.
Talofa Room 2
I liked the way you used TikTok trends to make a movie and I thought that was a smart Idea, one question, what is you favourite TikTok trend currently?
From Ls1 PBS
Kia Ora Room 2, I really enjoyed watching this movie, it was very humorous and I really enjoyed the kid that got tricked into the “give me my money” trend, I know he felt embaressed at the film festival.
Easton – PBS LS1
Kia ora Room 2, I really like your guys movie. While I was watching this movie I was laughing most throughout the entire movie. I like the way you guys used popular trends on tikto. This is the best one I have seen.
From Adnan Rm10
Kia Orana Rm 2!
My name is Kura and first I want to start off by saying that your movie was out of this world, It was ridiculous! My highlight was enjoying the funkiness put into this movie. I say this because movies have their own speciality and Rm 2 you have been outstanding for me. So keep up the good work. Kia Kaha!
Hello Room 2
I loved your movie and choice of movie!
I found it really funny when they were roasting each other.
What was your favorite part about your movie?
From Isla-May room 10 Pt england school.
Kia ora room 2 I really loved how you did TikTok trend literally love you not kidding man next time put the shortest one at the end when you do Just give me my money I would give it a 1000 out of ten
kia orana room 2 from PES i love your movie because its very funny and it has almost all the tiktok trends and my favroite partn is when they have to say two triple cheese buger 1 big mac combo and i like it when the white girl said como🤣
From Nio
panmure bridge school ls1
Kia Ora Room 2 ,
I really liked your movie and it was very funny my favourite part was when my brother got roasted and Mr Marsters said two triple chins.
Why did you decide to do Tiktok trends?
From Elena
Keep up the great work!
Hello Pt england school your video really stood out to me and I think this is the best movie .Milan from panmure bridge school
Kia ora Room 2
I love your moive I thouht it was very fun and funny. I love the part that you guys were doing 2 triple cheese burger 2 big Mac combo. And at all is the scenes in your moive and I know one tik tok trend that is so funny.
From Donyal PBS
Kia ora Room 2
Hillarious movie yous have made I suggest make these movies more often , man if this was a comedy show I’m 100% sure yous would win , i think the part I enjoyed the most wouldve been the first person who did the “ooo caught in a bad romance” so funny but one question .. if yous could make a random trend what’ll it be ? 😂😆
Lol – Ataahua
From Ls1 PBS.
Talofa Lava Room 2, Your film is the best films I saw it’s so funny and true we all laugh but TikTok is fun and very fun doing it together.
From Amorangi
In LS1 at Panmure Bridge School
Kia Ora Room 2 at Point England School ! I like your movie especially when you guys tried to say two triple big Mac combo , one of you said triple chin which was kinda funny 🤣 Maybe you can make a part two of this !
Cheers !
-Taisorn from Panmure Bridge School
Talofa Room 2,
I Just love your video, I love It so much that I keep watching it, My favorite part is the triple chin part, It was so funny that I fell off my chair. I question that I was wondering was If you got to pick who would be the funniest in your room.
Keep up the good laughs and make sure to have fun.
From Cattaleya, Panmure Bridge School In LS1.
I like how you guys did your video for
Manaiakalani . you guys did a good job. I am very proud of you guys .
Hi room 2, I was laughing at this video🤣 It was so funny the way you guys did the trend.
I hope you love the rest of today
Talofa Room 2
Greetings, My name is Mose
I really liked the video of how everyone particpated.
Man, this tiktoks trends got me cracked up.
My favourite part was when they did the two double chessebuger big mac combo.
Faafetai tele lava
From Mose at Panmure Bridge School.
Hello room 2 when I watch movie it was funny 🤣
I really like it because it was nice to see funny video like that.
From Aimee-Lee room 9😁
Hello my name is Maddison and i go to pt england school and i really enjoyed your guys movie. I thought that it was really funny and i loved the confidence in the “just give my money” trend.
Kia ora my name is Runnitty from Pt england in room 3. I really enjoyed you movie because it was funny that I laughed so hard. My favorite part was the two triple cheeseburger one. Keep up the good work! Ka kite ano!
hi room2 we are LS2 you guys make us proud yous have did a great job you did your best PSB Tonga
Hi room 2, my name is Georgia I liked how you did trends because its very funny and how you tried to say something very funny I could not hold my laugh. It was great
Hi room 2 my name is Joseph and I’m in.Room 11 and the TikTok’s made us
Laugh hard.
hi my name is Samuel and I’m from room 11 and my favourite part is the ween the person ran after the guy
The mov was cool.🎬☠️😎👈
The mov was a masn.🎬
hi room 2 my name is Aisha and
I’m in room 11 and the TikTok
made us laugh hard
The movie was funny😎🤩🥳👑
The movie was funny😎🤩🥳
Hi Room 2 my name is Arii and I’m from room 11.Your movie is really funny 🤣 I couldn’t stop laughing when you just started the movie. I loved how you guys did just give me the 💴 money.My most favourite part is 🍔🍟🥤it was really funny and I love the singing there at the start but not. My question is how long did it take.
hi my names mereana from room 16 at p.e.s and I really liked this movie it was so funny I loved it
Kia ora my name is Ace and i am from room seven i really love your movie. my favourite part of your movie was the filters, every time they spat the water in each other’s faces . man and how funny their faces looked in the filters i was struggling not to Laugh . i was just wondering what was all of the students Favourite Trends.
hi my name is giovanna from pt england school and I liked the part when you said the cheese buger part it was very funny I loved it
from room fifteen pt eangland school
hi roomn 2 I am caylee in room 15 at pt engand school my favourite part of your movie was the filters, every time they spat the water in each other’s faces . man and how funny their faces looked in the filters i was struggling not to Laugh . i was just wondering what was all of the students Favourite Trends. it was so funing and my 2 favourite part is when you were songing i song and I all most cry because it was soooooooooooooo fun ing
from rm 15 at pt engand school
Hi room 2
Do you know that part that says just give me your money that part is so funny from Gano point England school.
kia ora room 2 my name is Ave and I am a year four in room 16 and I really love your moive I think it is very funny and how long did it take you to make this movie mrs ilaoa and sorry my spelling is wroing that you can not read this comment that I posted from Ave
Hi my name is Faith and I think your movie is so funny and cool and I think that this is a really good movie for people that want to laugh.
Hello Rm 2.Your guys movie was so funny.My favourite part was when Ms master said two triple chimps. 👍
Kia ora Rm 2! this video was so funny and fun to watch! everyone in my team space was laughing at your guys video!
i really enjoyed watching your video and my favorite part was JUST GIVE ME MY MONEYY.
Kia Ora my name is Ratai. I am from 9 at Pt England School. i like your movie because it was so funny. i wonder which part you enjoyed playing. Did it take long to make this movie.
Check out our room 9 Film festival
But an awesome job!
hi I love the part when you did the to triple cheese berger big mc combo thing because it was funny to waich and cool
Hello there and greeting to all!
After watching your funny movie, I couldn’t stop laughing! I think this movie was very cool! I think this movie is cool because of the first trend. The first trend got me laughing!
This reminds me of a little me! When I was young I used to do tiktok with my older sister. It was very fun and sometimes hard to do.
Who wanted to do trends? Did the class agree? Keep up the amazing work room 2!
From Teuila Epenisa.
Kia Ora room 2 at Point England school. Your guys movie was a crack up and I could not catch my breath because of how funny it was. Was it really a tongue twister when you guys were saying the big mac part? I tried but it was too hard for me.
From Emilee at Point England School.
fakalofa lahi atu room 2. your movie was my favourite movie because I liked the McDonald’s part. my favourite part was the McDonald’s part and when they guy spit water on someones face. don’t you think that it was a tongue twister.
Hi Room 2 it is Serena in room 15 @ Point England School.
My favourite part was when you guys turned around and you guys had a filter on one of your guy’s faces and you tried not to spit the water at each other. Whose idea was it ?
Have an amazing day.
From Serena in room 15 @ Point England School.
fakalofa lahi atu room 2. your movie was my favourite movie because I liked the McDonald’s part. my favourite part was the McDonald’s part and when they guy spit water on someones face. don’t you think that it was a tongue twister.
Hi my name is Arthur.
I love your movie and all the slowmos. My favorite part was when they were singing.
Kia ora Room 2, we are Room 3 @ Glen Taylor School. Your movie was very funny and enjoyable to watch. Why did you choose that topic of trends? We saw a lot of people we know in your class.
Thanks for the great movie
From Room 3 @ Glen Taylor School
Sup room 2,Im layla🧑🦲
I was laughing at you trying these trends🫶 I think he did order triple chips🤨📸And that boy that did just give me my money😭I saw the look on his face🤣Its so funny🌹
Have a great day!🇹🇴
Layla @Point england school
Hi my name is Norman and I am from room 5 your blog is really funny and the tiktok trends for your movie is a great idea keep up the good work